Janice Bergen


  • Since 09/2022 University of Vienna, MSc in Food Chemistry, Thesis Title: “Influence of Dietary Fatty Acids on Mechanosensory Apparatus on Intestinal Cell Lines”, Thesis Supervisor: Ass. Prof. Giorgia Del Favero
  • 12/2019 University of Vienna, BSc in Nutritional Sciences with focus on genetic and immunological aspects


  • 06/2024 "ASTOX Young Investigator Educational Enhancement Travel Award"


Poster Presentations

  • 04/2024 Bergen J., Crudo F., Marko D., Berthiller F., Del Favero G., "Ceramide Synthase(s) Inhibitor Fumonisin B1 and Dietary Lipid Palmitic Acid Modulate Biochemical and Biophysical Properties in Human Intestinal Models", DoSChem Panel B Retreat, Röjtökmuzsaj, Hungary
  • 12/2023 Bergen J., Iriarte-Mesa C., Crudo F., Marko D., Kleitz F., Berthiller F., Del Favero G.: "A human intestinal model trilogy: Exploring barrier integrity through bacteria inspired nanoparticles", Austrian 3RDays, Innsbruck, Austria
  • 06/2023 Bergen J., Kiss E., Marko D., Berthiller F., Del Favero G.: "Interaction between Fumonisin B1 and dietary constituents palmitic acid and cholesterol in human intestinal cells in vitro", 44. Mycotoxin Workshop, Celle, Germany
  • 04/2023 Bergen J., Kiss E., Marko D., Del Favero G.: “Integration of biophysical stimulation in vitro through application of a microfluidic pump system”, DoSChem Retreat Panel B, Fürstenfeld, Austria
  • 09/2022 J. Bergen, M. Karasova, E. Kiss, D. Marko, G. Del Favero „Benchmarking the potential toxicity of dietary fatty acids on the mechanotransductory apparatus of the intestinal cells”. ASTOX Symposium 2022