
Proud to be part of the work lead by the teams of Prof. Freddy Kleitz and Prof. David Berry "Targeting Gut Bacteria Using Inulin-Conjugated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles". One of our images depicting the nanoparticles-bacteria interactions made it to the Frontispiece! [View the Publication]

Great collaborative work with the group of Prof. Freddy Kleitz! First author Claudia Iriarte-Mesa did a fantastic job hunting the role of nanoparticles morphology in the interaction with intestinal cells and also prepared a stunning cover! [View the Publication]

Cover artwork crowns the manuscript of Claudia Iriarte-Mesa recently published on Small Science as joint effort of our Team together with the working group of Prof. Freddy Kleitz “Functionalization of Silica Nanoparticles for Tailored Interactions with Intestinal Cells and Chemical Modulation of Paracellular Permeability” (View the Pucblication)